Thursday, August 12, 2010


One day in April I recieved the type of phone call that you don't want to recieve. My mother-in-law (who watches Ayla while I'm at work) called me crying saying that Ayla fell off a chair, her tooth went through her lip and she was taking her in to get stitches. Anyway to make a long story short after waiting a couple of hours Ayla ended up with stitches in her lip, right below her lip actually. You can see it here in the pictures.

My tough little girl was a trooper, they had to hold her down to give her the stitches and of course I couldn't watch. She was terrified but made it through and even had some smiles for me when we got home that night. Unfortunately she does have a tiny little scar. Hopefully as she grows the scar will fade.

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