Sunday, September 5, 2010

Funny Ayla

Here are a few pics of Ayla just being Ayla. She is the joy of our lives (like you didn't know that already!) We just love being around her and watching her have fun. She is so much fun for us to play with. Everyday she learns more and more. I am amazed at how smart she is. Today we were talking about babies and she started rubbing her eyes and saying "wahh, wahh" because that's what babies say when you sing "The wheels on the bus". She LOVES singing all songs but especially songs with hand movements. Her favorites seem to change weekly. This week it's "wheels on the bus". Last week it was "Popcorn, popping". When you aks her what song she wants to sing she makes the hand motions for that song and then you have to try to figure out what song she's talking about. If you get it right she of course smiles, laughs, and joins in. If you get it wrong she says "No, no" and then you have to try to figure it out again. She loves pretending. Lately she pretends that there is a bear loose in the house. She yells "Bear" and growls loudly then I say Oh no and I run away and hide. She of course thinks this is hilarious and we have to do it over and over again. She also loves playing hide and seek. She ALWAYS hides behind the shower curtain. It's hilarious! She cracks up because I'll go in the bathroom, ignore her of course, and pretend to look for her in the garbage can, and the drawer, and places she would never fit. She loves it. She is learning so many new words. It seems like a new word a day. Latest new words are more, please, ernie, elmo, Aunt Annie, Aunt Em, flower, fly, and so many more. Here's a funny story...she says Ernie and Annie but they both sound the same. You have to know the context of the conversation to understand which she is saying. So we were looking at pictures one day and she is pointing to my sisters and I would say their name and then she gets a big grin on her face points at Annie's picture and says Aunt Elmo. It was so funny! I think that she really thinks that Annie has the same name as someone on Sesame Street and instead of saying Aunt Ernie which sounds exactly the same as Aunt Annie she said Aunt Elmo. So Annie you might be Aunt Elmo for awhile. It's too cute! She LOVES Sesame Street. She will get the remote bring it out to me and say "Elmo" that means please turn on Sesame Street. She loves animals. We have been to a few different places recently looking at animals... The Chesapeake Bay museum in Newport News Va, the Mariners museum in Solomons MD... and she really loved looking at all the animals and fish and she even touched a few crabs, a starfish, and a stingray. All of which were perfectly safe of course. I'll post pics of these sometime soon. Anyway... here are some recent pics of funny Ayla.

She got into Mommy's lotion and decided to eat it. Why? I don't know I can't imagine it would taste good. She eats the grossest things sometimes.
"Oh no, Mommy spotted me, here Mom do you want some?"

Stuck in her toy chest

"How do I get out of this thing"

What do you do with a bucket?

Well you put it on your head of course.

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