Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ike and Emily's wedding

My sister-in-law Emily married Ike Buckley at the DC temple on Fri 9/3/10. The wedding was beautiful. There were quite a few people that showed up for the sealing. It was a beautiful, extremely spiritual, ceremony. The Temple President, President Tingey, performed the ceremony. Pretty cool, huh! I assumed that Ike's parents had asked President Tingey to perform the ceremony, but when I asked they said no they weren't sure who had asked him, or why he was the one who did it. Anyways, obviously no-one was complaining what an honor for them to have their sealing performed by the Temple President who also used to be (still is? ) a member of the Quorom of the Seventy. (In other words he's a pretty big deal in our church!) President Tingey was great and preformed a very spiritual ceremony. At one point he told Emily and Ike about an impression that he had about their future children. It was a fantastic moment and what a thing for them to hear about their future children. Here are some pics of the wedding. I was a little busy chasing an almost two year old around, so I didn't get as many pics as I normally do. I couldn't upload the videos from the reception directly to the blog, so I had to put them on youtube (Don't worry Em, they're private) and then share them to my blog from youtube. So that is why all the videos are seperate posts. Oh well it works. The reception was Sat night and was also beautiful. It was outside at the church. Everyone had a great time and the weather was perfect.

The first public appearance of Ike and Emily Buckley!

Sorry it's so blurry. Good thing I wasn't taking pics for the happy couple!

Here's everyone that was at the sealing. We're trying to get a good shot. In this one you can see mom but Em's turned around.

Here's another pic of everyone who was at the sealing. Here everyone is looking but Mom is hidden behind Ike.

My little punkin in front of the flowers.

Like I said I spent most of the time chasing her around! She was really funny, she is a HUGE ham. I know shocking my daughter likes to be the center of attention! She was chasing around this man who was also taking pictures. He kept taking pictures of her and she was lovin it. I'm not even sure who he was, I know that he is related to Ike somehow. So one of Ike's relatives has about ten random pictures of Ayla.

I LOVE this pic! I have a very similar one of Brinly at my wedding. It's funny how the little girls all try to pick the flowers. At my wedding Payton was there and couldn't have cared less about picking the flowers. And at Em's wedding Lani's little boys were there and they also didn't try to pick the flowers. Must be a girl thing. Ayla kept getting really close to them to try to sniff them too, it was really cute.

Here's the happy couple with their families. Ike has a brother names Lance and he and his wife Amy were there along with Ike's parents. Of course Lucas, Ayla and I were there, along with Leif (Lucas and Emily's brother) and Lucas's mom and dad. Grandma Forsythe was also there. There were other relatives for both sides but this is the immdediate family.

Ike, Emily, and Grandma Forsythe

Ike and Emily and their parents

Em and her two brothers. I LOVE this pic! Emily looks so beautiful.


tt moreno said...

it looks like it was a beautiful wedding! Ayla looks so much different, it must be because she has more hair now.
emily looked beautiful!
- it wouldnt let me see a few of the videos because they are private.

love ya!

Sue said...

What great memories! I do remember the flowers at your wedding. I thought it was Payton picking them in the picture with your Dad... must have been Brinly. That is awesome that Pres. Tingey sealed them! Brother Marriott sealed Uncle Tom & Aunt Lisa there...