Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Girl or boy? What do you think?

Sorry I haven't updated in a while... between working full time, being a mom, and being so tired by 7 pm I just haven't had the energy to do much extra. Anyway, this week I am 19 weeks along. Really the time seems to have flown by. I have had another fairly easy pregnancy thus far. I guess I'm lucky in that aspect. I haven't felt sick or had any real emotional up or down swings. I have been congested, and I do get tired pretty early in the evening usually by 7:00. The congestion I had with Ayla, the tiredness is new. But this pregnancy I am older and have a two yr. old running around, that might have something to do with it.

I find out whether it's a girl or boy next week Friday, Dec 17. I thought it would be fun to publish a poll and have people give me their opinion. I really have no true sense either way. On one hand my pregnancy has been pretty much the same as it was with Ayla, I'm about the same size, I feel the same, etc... people I work with tell me this means I'm having another girl. On the other hand I have had two dreams and in both I had a boy. What does that mean probably nothing. With Ayla I dreamt that she would have tons of really dark hair...if you've seen her or seen pictures you know it's quite the opposite. Anyway, what do you think please vote and let me know, I'm curious. Then check back next week after I find out to see if you were right.
The poll is located in the sidebar of the post along the right side of this blog.


Sherri said...

You're having a boy! Well if it's another girl that would be crazy for our family!!! I vote boy.

Annie said...

I think its a girl :)

Ray and Sue said...

It's a it's a a birl or a goy...oh who the heck knows.

But I think it's going to be another girl for real :)

tt moreno said...


Unknown said...

A boy -- so I can have him come to the house and get dirty and play in the woods while Ayla plays on the trampoline!

Sue said...

BOY! (If I keep guessing boy odds are someone will actually have one...Right?

Gorski Family History said...

BOY! You all can't have all girls (well, Kari is the exception)!