Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Our visit to the pumpkin farm!

Okay, so I'm a little behind in my updating, what else is new. This October, the weekend before Halloween we went to Belvedere Plantation. It's a cute farm about ten minutes from our house. We had a great time, it's a really good place for families with small kids. I was impressed we will definitely go back next year. Not only did they have a HUGE pumpkin field, but they also had a small animal farm where the kids could see animals up close. They had pig races (which Ayla loved!) They had a pumpkin chunker (which Lucas loved!) They also had a little kids play area, complete with a sandbox, a bounce house, slides made from huge plastic pipes, and a zipline swing. Of course they also had a maize maze.

This is the tractor pulled hayride that we took to get out to the pumpkin fields. It was pretty cool. It took about 10 minutes to get to the pumpkin field and they played really twangy country music, the same two songs over and over. One song was about how lucky the guy is because he owns a tractor. The other song was also funny but I forgot what it was about. It really reminded me of my sister Kari, she would have loved it! I was tempted to ask where I could get that CD for her. (Just kidding Kar) Anyway it was a cute hayride. Ayla enjoyed it and kept saying "Tractor's go boom boom!" I didn't know tractor's went boom boom, but it was pretty cute!

Daddy and Ayla walking through the pumpkin field. This is one of my favorite pics! When we got to the pumpkin field Ayla looked over it and said "Whoa Pumpkins!"

"How about this one Mommy?"

Ayla found her pumpkin!

Ayla found this one and said 'Wow!" then she went to try and pick it up. She was over there grunting and asking 'Help Momma?"

Mommy and her punkin on a pumpkin.

Our three pumpkins

Wheeling our pumpkins out to the car

The pig races!

Check out the sheep in the back he has four horns. Two sticking up and two off to the side of his head, wierd!

Lucas's favorite part, the pumpkin chunking gun

You were supposed to take aim with the gun, and then shoot your pumkin over a little pond and try to hit the target that you can see there in the distance. I'm not sure what you got if you actually hit it, no-one hit it in the ten minutes or so that we were watching.
Ayla loved sliding down these huge pipe slides. She was not happy when we left, we literally had to drag her away from the slides.
Ayla on the saddle swing
Our little family in front of the turkey hay sculpture


Kari said...

Very sweet. She looks like she's getting so tall. I bet she's gonna be like 5'9" when she is fully grown:)

Ray and Sue said...

I love the fall. The fall farms are so much fun. it looks like you guys had a great time.

Annie said...

Fun! I hope once you're an official Stay At Home Mom that you'll update often. I love reading your posts and I want to see MORE :)