Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Results are In!

So I know you've all been holding your breath in anticiptation waiting for the big reveal. Well... the results are in. Lucas and I went to the doctor on Friday and we found out that we are having a baby BOY!!
We are both so excited! Lucas proudly announced that he is happy that he ..."can produce both," as he put it. The ultrasound technician zoomed in and said, "Well there it is." I looked at the screen and then at her and said, "There what is?" She said..."the baby's bottom" I looked back and forth waiting for her to tell us and finally she typed on the screen "I'm a Boy!" It was very exciting! According to her it is very obvious that he is a boy. Fantastic, I believe her, but it still was not at all obvious to me what I was looking at. Scroll down to see for yourself.

So just in case you are as clueless as I am when looking at these things, where the little tiny hand is pointing (right next to where it says I'm a Boy!) is his "very obvious" boy part. Then on either side of it you can see a leg. Above the legs at the right of the picture is his pelvic bone.

Here is a pretty good shot of his little face. It's funny because both Lucas and I when we saw this image of his face come up on the monitor thought that he was a boy. (This was before she told us.)

And the last of the pictures of him for now is one of his head in profile.
I was very convinced that I was having a girl, as were 71% of the people that voted on my poll. Oh well, we were all wrong. Congratulations to the 6 of you who guessed right.

I have all sisters and really like having sisters. So I wanted Ayla to have that same experience so I went home and prayed about it and I definitely got the feeling that my daughter needs a brother. I'm not sure why. Maybe because while she likes purses, shoes, lipstick, princess crowns, and all things girly, she is a tough cookie. Maybe a second girl would have been a little too wimpy and Ayla needs a brother who is also tough. I'm not sure...but I do know that I am happy that I will be given the opportunity to raise one of each. I've heard boys are harder in the beginning and easier as they get older. Well, I guess I'll find out.

As of now we do not have a name picked out. When we do pick one out we still won't tell you. No offense but we aren't telling anyone. Something has to remain a secret... that way there will still be some sort of surprise when the baby is born.

I was also told at this appointment that they suspect that because I am very small boned (small hands, small feet, etc...) that the reason I had to have a c-section with Ayla was because my pelvic bone is narrow. I did push for 4 hours with her to no avail. So they suggested that I have another c-section. So that is what is going to happen. I will get to set a date for when I want to have a baby and then go to the hospital and they will take him out. I see good points and bad points to this. Good points: I will not have to suffer labor pains (with Ayla I was in labor for 36 hours and then had to have a c-section anyway), I can have everything planned and ready, will be easier on the baby (or so the doctor's tell me), there will be no ripping or tearing (if you know what I mean). Bad points: they want me to set a date about a week early, (I am hesitant on this I really would like the baby to stay in as long as possible to make sure that he's ready to come out), I will have to have surgery (never fun), I will have to stay in the hospital for a couple of days longer (also not fun and more expensive in the long run). So basically there is no perfect decision. But I'm going to go with my doctor's advice and trust that they know more than I do. I did recover remarkably well from my c-section the first time and was back to 100% within a few days. The doctor says that most likely that will happen again.

I am very grateful for the opportunity to be a Mom both to Ayla and to this second child. I am excited, nervous (shocker), happy, scared, and many other feelings. I love the feeling of having this baby grow inside of me. He is very active and I can feel him move quite a bit. I am thankful that I was blessed with the ability to get pregnant and bring a child into the world not only once but twice. A couple years ago I didn't know if I would have that opportunity...


Stephanie said...

Got your message. And thanks. We're pretty excited.

I tell you, with as long as it took me to recover from the massive damage Wesley caused, I'd prefer a c-section. I asked the dr. how many stitches she had put in (I'd never had stitches before, so I wanted to know). She said she didn't even count. I asked if it was more than if I had had a c-section, and she said yes, definitely more, close to twice as many, and she wasn't even done! So, good luck with the surgery, though months away, but here before you know it ;)

Cristie Jensen said...

That is so awesome - Congrats, boys are a handfull but fun and not as emotional as girls older or younger :). See if you doctor will get you a 3D/4D photo, they are so awesome and so "in" right now.

Cristie Jensen said...

If you would like some profesional photos taken of your upcoming little one take a look at my site and let me know.