Monday, January 10, 2011

Big Girl Bed

One of Ayla's gifts this Christmas was her "Big Girl Bed". We had ordered it online from Wal-Mart and it took awhile to get there. We kept telling her that she was going to get a big girl bed so when she finally got it she was very excited. It really is the perfect little bed for her. I highly recommend it for anyone looking for a bed for a toddler. It's called the Dream on Me toddler Sleigh Bed. It was fairly cheap compared to others I was looking at and it is so cute, and so far seems pretty sturdy. Anyway, she LOVES her bed. We were having a huge problem with her climbing out of her crib at all hours of the night and trying to either get in bed with us or come out and watch tv. Well since we got her big girl bed the issue seems to have passed. (Crossing fingers, knock on wood.) Now we find her sitting in her bed, or just laying there, or she will take toys in there to play in her bed. It's really cute that she thinks she's such a big shot. Anytime I mention the baby she has to pipe up and say "Baby sleep in crib in Ayla's room." I've told her that the crib is the baby's bed because now she has a big girl bed. She runs over to the crib and says "Baby's Bed" then she'll go over to her bed and say "My bed". Anyway she loves it. Here's a few pictures of her and her big girl bed.

Here's what the bed looks like when it's made

Here's Christmas night, the first night she got the bed. We got home from Lucas's parents house very late so she was tired but so excited to sleep in her big girl bed. The blanket she has over her was one of her presents from Grandma and Grandpa. Grandma made it for her big girl bed. She is not sleeping in this picture. If you look close you can kind of see her smiling under her binky. I told her to open her eyes for a picture of her in her new bed and she wouldn't open her eyes.

Here you can clearly see her grinning as I tried in vain to get a picture of her with her eyes open.

Finally settled in for the night. This is the way that she sleeps every night. She takes her baby blanket that Grandma made when she was a newborn and she wads it up next to her or under her and cuddles with it. Lots of times she'll rub it on her face while she falls asleep. It's cute. She doesn't use it for warmth it's more like a comfort thing. She also always has to sleep with Hammy her stuffed pig. If he's not in her bed she'll sit in there and yell "Hammy" like he's going to come running.

Here's just a random day when she was playing in her bed.

One day I got her all dressed to go somewhere and then I went to the bathroom before we left. When I was done I was looking for her to put her shoes on. I kept calling her and she wouldn't answer. This is how I found her.

"Oh, Hi Mommy, were you looking for me?"


tt moreno said...

so cute! she is such a big girl!

I have a bed for mila in our basement. im just not sure if i am ready to get it out yet and move her out of her crib. i dont think i moved raquel until she was almost 2 1/2. she never ever tried to escape out of her crib and neither has mila.

Ray and Sue said...

That bed is so awesome! She really looks attached to it

Gorski Family History said...

too cute!