Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve this year Ayla was just getting over being sick and I was sick. Despite our minor health issues Lucas really wanted to go to his Aunt Gina and Uncle Chris's house in Delaware. It's kind of a family tradition and his Grandma lives there whom we haven't seen in awhile, so he really wanted to see her and for Ayla to see her. We had a lovely mexican style dinner and then played games or watched movies most of the night. Lucas's cousin Lani has three boys with another one due in May and they also live there. Ayla really enjoys playing with the boys (her second cousins) so she had a really good time. Here are some pictures of our time spent with them.

Here's Dad and Grandma or G-G (short for great grandma) as she likes to be called, putting a puzzle together.

Ayla had fun playing with the boy's toys. Not that she doesn't have enough of her own, but new stuff is always exciting.

This is Ayla's "cheese" face. I told her to smile and say cheese for the picture and this is what I got. My shutter speed on my camera has a couple second delay so it's hard to get her to actually pose long enough for the camera to get the shot.

Ayla and the boys spent the afternoon playing outside. The boys have fun toys that she doesn't have like tricycles. I have several cute pictures of Ayla and the boys together but Lani is leery of her kids pictures being put on the internet, (understandably).

They also played baseball, built a snowman with numerous sticks stuck in him for arms and legs, and spent a good portion of time shoveling snow onto the driveway.

Here's Ayla riding the bike. She liked this one a little better than the one with the pedals as she is a little short to reach pedals right now.

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