Saturday, January 1, 2011

Snow Day!

A couple of days before my winter break we got about 3-4 inches of snow. Doesn't sound like a big deal but in Virginia they just don't have the equipment to deal with the snow quickly, so we had a much appreciated snow day off for me and snow day to play for Ayla. Here she is after getting ready. She's Miss Independent now, so I have a hard time doing anything for her. We didn't get her snow pants this year so I had to dig out her snow pants from last year to see if they would fit. After I found them I turned back around to dig for gloves and a hat and while I was looking for them Ayla took off all her clothes down to her diaper and put on her own snow pants and then said "Mama I did it!" I turned around to find her naked except for her diaper inside her snow pants. It was pretty cute. I had to explain to her that she keeps her clothes on and puts the snow pants on over them. It then took 45 minutes to get her ready because she wanted to do it herself. Here she is after getting dressed mostly by herself, "self" as she says and a little bit with Mommy's help.

Ayla in the driveway in the snow. She was very tentative about playing in the snow. She wasn't sure what to do. I showed her a few things but she was still kind of tentative.

Ayla loves wearing gloves, she thinks it's a big deal. Here she is showing me her gloves. Since this pic I bought her "big girl" gloves with fingers and she really thinks she's a big shot when she wears them.

Pushing her swing. She didn't want to sit in it because she didn't want her bum to get wet. I tried telling her that in didn't matter because she had snow pants on but she still wouldn't sit in it.

Playing with her telescope

This is Ayla playing with the little boy whose grandparents live next door. Whenever he's around Ayla likes to go over and play in their backyard with him. They have a huge yard and lots of fun kids stuff that we don't have at our house. She loved this little playhouse that he has, she kept coming out, shutting the door and ringing the doorbell, then knocking until he would let her in. They were really cute playing together.

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