Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Visit to the Waterpark

The week after Christmas Lucas took off work to spend the week with us. It was the first time that Lucas has taken off work and we haven't gone out of town. It was quite nice to be able to relax, spend time together at home, and just grow closer as a family. Wednesday of that week we decided to head to Massanutten Waterpark. It is at a resort about 1.5 hours away from us. We had discounted tickets that expired in February and figured we better use them now. We had a great time, Ayla especially. Being quite pregnant at this point I did not create a pretty picture in my bathing suit and decided it wouldn't be a good idea to go down the slides, but I had a good time on the lazy river (right up my alley) and just watching Ayla. She only spent a few minutes in the kids part this time. She wanted to go down the bigger waterslides. They are in the middle of the park. They're not the huge adult waterslides but they are bigger and probably not normally for two year olds. I was a little leery at first because she was by far the smallest kid going down these slides but she loved it. She would climb up, position herself, and go whizzing down the slide. At the bottom there was a spot where the water would splash up on the slider, so she would get soaked. She would just shake the water off, get a big grin on her face, and scream "again!" Then she would climb up the steps and do it all over again. She must have gone down the slides 30 times. She didn't really want to do anything else. It was a lot of fun to watch her. She also decided to try to swim under water. She had a life preserver on so she couldn't really go under water, but she would put her face under and kick her little legs it was really cute. I really think I gave birth to a little athlete, who would have guessed. She also liked to jump from the side of the pool into my arms but she really liked it when I missed her and she would go under then pop up. So I ended up just letting her jump and go under, she loved it. Here's a few pictures of our adventures.

This is a shot of the waterpark taken just before we left. We had dinner at the restaurant upstairs that overlooks the waterpark and this is where I took the picture. It was after dark so they had to roof closed. Normally it's just glass covered.

Here's another picture I got with the roof open (well glass covered).

Ayla going down the slide

Ayla taking a breather

Daddy and Ayla on the lazy river

Ayla swimming "underwater"

Going down the slide for the little kids

Scroll down to view a couple of really cute videos of Ayla going down the waterslides.

1 comment:

Ray and Sue said...

Looks like a great family adventure....too much fun!