Friday, February 18, 2011

Potty Training? Well....almost

A couple of weeks ago we bought Ayle her own potty. We got her the "Cheer for Me Potty" which sings a little song and does a cheer for the kid after they "go" in the potty. It's really cute, but my little smarty figured out that she can lift up the potty part and touch the little sensors with her finger and it will sing to her, (it must be temperature sensitive). The first day she had it I told her when she felt like she had to go to tell me and we would try to go on the potty. Well it was every 10 minutes for awhile until I said okay we'll just try before we take a bath. Bathtime came and she rips off her diaper and goes to sit on her potty, she sat there for about 30 seconds then said "Uh oh" and got off her potty squatted and peed on the floor next to her potty. I guess she didn't get it. I think that she thought the potty was a toy and she didn't want to pee on it. I had to laugh later on after I cleaned up the mess because it really is funny. Anyway, I decided that maybe she just wasn't ready and that I wouldn't push her.

The next day she decides that she wants to try again. Here is a picture of her checking out the potty making sure it's in working order before she tries.

Really trying hard! And.... She did it! Her first time going on the potty she did both #1 and #2. She was very excited when the potty sang to her!

We flushed the poopy's down the toilet. Here she is saying "Bye Poopy's!"

I didn't get her picture when she was really excited immediately after going so I made her
re-enact the special moment. She's yelling "I did it!"

Since then we have had a slow down in the potty training process, this is mostly my fault not hers. I was off for a few days when we first started and so was able to devote more time. Once I was back to working full time I just didn't devote as much time to trying to help her go on the potty as I had been. I figured that we can wait until spring break (maybe... that's a week before the baby is due so we'll see what kind of shape I'm in). If not then, I will be off and have plenty of time after the baby gets here so we can try and tackle it then. Everyone tells me that when she's actually ready it should only take a couple of days so I'm counting on that.


Stephanie said...

Good for Ayla. I didn't use it, but a friend of mine swears by the 3-day potty training method. She's trained all 4 children using it with complete success every time. So, maybe this weekend, you could try it out :) Good Luck!

Sherri said...

haha... thats a funny story! i can't believe she's old enough to be potty training!

Kari said...

Girls are supposedly easier than boys. However, no one will ever be as perfect at potty training than Bronson. 1 try that was all it took. Good luck!

tt moreno said...

wow go ayla!!

Mila has been asking to go on the potty and has been going pee pees on it when she asks me but im not pushing it. It took raquel a long time. she would do it good for a few days then stop. she is also very stubborn though.