Wednesday, April 6, 2011

36 Weeks!

Saturday, April 2 I was 36 weeks! Sometimes it seems like it's flown by other times (usually when I'm having some pain) it seems like it has been 36 weeks. I have been doing really well. I'm moving a little slower, it's hard to be on my feet a lot. My feet look like footballs with toes, they are pretty swollen. I get lots of cervical pain because the baby is really low and when he pushes it hurts. I also have to pee literally at least once an hour. But it's worth it and I am happy to be able to bring another child into this world and be a Mommy again. Baby Boy is also doing well. He is very active and when he gets irritated with a position I'm in he lets me know and kicks me quite hard. He responds to people talking to him, especially Ayla. In the mornings Ayla comes into our room and starts talking and the baby immediately starts kicking. It's like he's saying "Oh good it's been too quiet in here, there's my sister." He also really kicks when I get home from work and Ayla greets me at the door. I have had quite a few more ultrasounds in the last few weeks. Things are looking good. Friday was my last "growth analysis" ultrasound because the doctor isn't worried about him anymore. He is 6 lbs. 4 oz, so that should put him around 7 1/2 lbs. when he's born. This time the doctor looked at his growth curve since I was 25 weeks and said that he has been growing at the same level the whole time and that is a sign of a healthy baby. The doctor said that the measurement averages that they use are based on a 5'7'' mother and a 5'11'' father. Well Lucas and I do not fall into that category so it looks like the measurements are off but really it's just because we're short. The doctor that came in to talk to me on Friday was amazing. I wish I'd had him everytime. He told me not too worry, this baby will be fine, he explained about the growth curve and said babies that have something wrong like Downe's Syndrome don't follow a growth curve they eventually stop growing and my baby hasn't done that. He explained that he has a daughter with Downe's and that my baby's scans look very good. He also said "You need to stop worrying because you've done everything you can, you need to take care of yourself and realize that the Lord will take care of everything else." I thought that was a pretty powerful statement for a doctor to say to me, especially because he doesn't know my religious beliefs or that I rely on my faith a lot to strengthen me. It was almost like he was guided to come in and talk to me and what to say to me. I left feeling so much better. My baby boy is scheduled to make his arrival at 2:00 pm Monday, April 25, 2011. I am excited, nervous, joyful, and impatient to see him. But I can wait I want him to stay in as long as possible so that he is nice and big and healthy when he comes out. I hope that this time I'll be able to hold my baby right away. With Ayla I had to wait 5 hours before I could hold her. This time I want them to take him out and pass him to me. We'll see, hopefully that's what will happen.
Here's some pictures of what I look like at 36 weeks.

Ayla is saying "Hi Baby Brother" and poking my funny looking belly button. It's currently one of her favorite things to do.


Annie said...

Lookin' good! I wish I knew that much about my baby! I feel like I could've went this whole pregnancy and not had to go into the Dr at all. I mean, I really love my Dr, but all he does is measure me and we chat. Ayla is going to be a great big sister!

(I saw a really cute "big sister" shirt on Old Navy's clearance rack yesterday. You might wanna check that out)

Lucas and Amber said...

Thanks Annie, I will! I've been looking for a "big sister" shirt for Ayla.
P.S. the only reason I know this much is because I'm geriatric so they do all kinds of tests on me! :)

Sue said...

Everything is going to be great! Can't wait to be there with you guys and actually hold him (& play with Ayla). I am counting the days! (24)

Kari said...

Poking your funny looking belly button might be one of my favorite things to do too.