Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Family Visit Part 2

Towards the end of May my Dad decided to ride his Harley down to stay with us for a few days. we were very excited to see him. I haven't seen my Dad for over a year. Lucas was very excited to see his Harley too. It was great. We really were able to spend some quality time with him. Ayla was a little leery at first because she didn't remember him, but shortly after he got to our house Dad took Ayla out to play on her swing set. That was all she needed, they were best friends for the rest of the time that he was here. She would constantly ask "Where's Papa?" It was really cute.

Grandpa with his first grandson

These next few are all of Dad and Ayla playing at the park

One of the nights that Dad was in town we had a cookout and invited over Lucas's family. It was a lot of fun. Lucas's brother Leif wants to buy a motorcycle so he and my Dad were talking bikes all night. It was beautiful weather the whole time he was here so we spent a lot of time outside. Dad bought Ayla her first tricycle. It's really cute a red and pink red rider tricycle. it has a bar on the back that is for parents to be able to push and steer. This is good and bad. It's good because Ayla is not very good at pedaling yet, she also doesn't know how to steer. It's bad because she's gotten lazy with it and now when I'm trying to teach her to pedal she says "No Mommy do it." Here's a picture of Aunt Emily, Uncle Leif, and Uncle Ike pushing Ayla on her bike around our neighborhood. Sorry about the poor picture quality.

Ayla posing on her new bike

The Walde clan with Ayla

It was so good to see my Dad. We love it when family comes to town, it doesn't happen often enough. We are very glad that Lucas's family lives close enough to see them fairly often because many people don't have any family close by.


Stephanie said...

We love Duff park! That is where you were, right? I want to get Sheri and her kids over for a play date. You in? She wants to make an appliqued shirt so the kids can play while we sew some shirts.

Lucas and Amber said...

Sure Stephanie I'm in. That was Duff park, it's right down the street from our house. Literally less than 5 minutes away. I am not a sewer and I don't know what appliqued means but I'll try and Ayla would love it. When are you due? Getting close aren't you?