Tuesday, July 26, 2011

3 Months Old!

Caiden turned three months old on July 10, 2011. He is truly a delight! He is almost always a very happy baby. He can stand holding up his weight, with help of course, for 15-30 seconds or so. He can sit in a bumbo seat. He smiles at everyone who looks at him especially if they talk to him. He laughs, his laugh is like a long grunt, it's really cute! I don't have any official stats because he doesn't have a three month doctor's appointment, however according to my scale he weighs 14.7 lbs! Yes, he is a chunker! He does not want for food! He eats every 2-3 hours during the day. He takes a short cat nap about an hour after waking up in morning then he's awake for a long while. Then he goes down for a nap when Ayla does and sleeps for 3-5 hours depending on how tired he was. He pigs out at night I seriously can't produce enough to satisfy him at night, so I pump at other times during the day in preparation for it. He eats and eats at night, then crashes and sleeps all night. 10 hours without waking up! I usually change his diaper at some point during the night because I'm afraid he'll soak through and he doesn't usually wake up when I change him. If he does he nurses for 2 minutes or less and then goes right back to sleep. It's been great! I hope I don't jinx it by writing about it, but I think this is his normal schedule now he's been doing this for the last few weeks. It's great! He still gets comments all the time about his cheeks. We were at the park last week and there was this little boy there. The little boy appeared to be alone. I'm sure his parents were somewhere in the park but not right there at the playground with him. Anyway because of this he kept asking me for help with things. "Hey lady can you help me climb up onto the top of this?" or "Hey lady watch I'm gonna do a flip!" The kid made me a nervous wreck. Anyway at one point he says"Hey lady is that your baby in the stroller?" I said "yes" to which he responded, "Boy he's got some sho nuff cheeks!" I cracked up, that's the best comment I've had yet. And Caiden does have some sho nuff cheeks. I hope he doesn't have people pinch them. That used to happen to me. I hated it when we would go to my Mom's family reunion and her Uncle Carl would always pinch my cheeks, he was a nice enough guy but I would avoid him because of that. Anyway check out the cheeks.

Likes: Be jostled around, or bounced, or swung, or vibrated
When Ayla or Mommy sings to him
Watching Ayla, he laughs at her a lot
Being held
Falling asleep in someones arms
Watching his mobile on his swing or in his crib
When people notice him and talk baby talk to him
Laying and kicking his feet
Sucking on his fist or fingers
Baths or showers
Riding in the car

Dislikes: Sweating (which he does a lot lately, he inherited that from Daddy who also sweats)
When he wakes up and no-one gets to him quickly
Pooping out the back of his diaper (not a favorite of Mommy's either)
When the car stops
Being sat down when he's in the mood to be cuddled
When Mommy changes him before feeding him
When someone talks loudly around him
When Mommy cuts his fingernails or washes his hands
Tummy time
Being left alone in a room for a long period of time when he's awake
When he needs to burp and can't get it out
When he's gassy

Ayla wanted to have her picture taken in the little area I set up for Caiden. I didn't want her to feel left out so I took a couple of her too.


Ray and Sue said...

Great post....3 months...sheesh...wow how time flies....it seems like we were just there visiting. Caiden really does have some "sho-nuff" cheeks too! :)

Way too cute kids! I miss them

tt moreno said...

thats a funny story about the little boy and the cheeks.

love them cheeks!