Tuesday, November 8, 2011

5 Months Old

  September 10, 2011 my little happy guy turned 5 months old. No official stats this month as he didn't have a doctor's appointment, however I weighed him on our scale and he was about 17.5 lbs. He is such a happy, laid back baby. I'm very lucky as I have had two children that were good when they were babies. 
Caiden's likes: he still loves nursing, rolling around on the floor, chewing on his toys and fingers, playing with anything crinkly sounding, riding in the car, sleeping with a blanket while chewing on it (which makes Mommy very nervous), chewing on his sisters things (much to Ayla's dismay).
Caiden's dislikes: being overtired, being woken up, getting stuck laying on his belly, putting shirts on or taking them off, being restrained in any way, teething (which he seems to have been doing since he was 4 months old).

1 comment:

Sue said...

Cute, cute pictures! I want to squeeze his chubby little cheeks!