Monday, November 28, 2011

Seven Months Old!

Caiden Lucas Walde turned seven months old November 10, 2011. My little chunky monkey is such a joy! He really is the cutest little baby boy I've ever seen! He sits quite well now, rolls around all over the place and even manages to get up on his knees a bit and do some sort of rocking, bouncing, dance trying to manuver himself around. I'm sure he'll be crawling before too long. Lately he and Ayla have been playing really well together. She's really started to look to him to play with her instead of me all the time. She'll get her piano and bring it over by him and then sit there and sing while he pounds on the keys. Or she'll bring over some of her princess clothes or jewelery and "dress" Caiden up in it. He LOVES Ayla. He watches her all the time. If I'm trying to nurse him I have to actually go in another room now because he won't nurse if Ayla is around because he can't see her. He doesn't have any official stats this month as there is no doctor's visit, however when I weighed him on our scale he was 19 lbs. 3 oz. He is wearing 6-9 month clothing and size 3 diapers. He is very happy. People comment to me all the time about how good he is and how content he is. I've had other mother's tell me they would have several if they could order them all like Caiden. I hope this is good news for me for the future and not just that he is saving up to be a terror for the next few years.
Likes: Playing with Ayla, watching Ayla, listening to Ayla, when Daddy comes home, rolling around on the floor, cuddling up with his blanket, sleeping on his side (that's a new one), when Mommy's sings to him, cuddling in the morning or when he's tired, taking baths and splashing and kicking his feet in the water, riding in the car, going places where there's a lot of people ( he loves watching people he'll be entertained for a long time if he can just watch what people are doing), watching other little kids, being tickled, playing peekaboo, banging on things, shaking things, grabbing at things (this is new also he will now grab anything within reach I've had to remember to keep the shopping cart parked in the center of the aisle where he can't pull stuff off shelves).
Dislikes: when Ayla screams or cries, getting his diaper changed before being fed in the morning or middle of night, changing clothes, when he soaks through, being woken up, being left alone in a room for more than 30 seconds, when he falls over, when Ayla takes a toy from him, when Mommy tries to take a drink in between giving him bites (he grunts at me in displeasure), when Mommy tries to discreetly remove his blanket from him while he's sleeping (he wraps it around him and I get nervous it will go over his face).

He really is normally just a happy guy. I am so lucky to have the joy of raising this happy little man!


RayS said...

Way too cute....a real little chunker for sure :)

Annie said...

I'm LOVING the new banner picture !

Lucas and Amber said...

Thanks Annie, we had a whole bunch taken. I'll post them soon! My friend Alea is great and whats even better is she and I barter she takes pics of my kids and I tutor hers. Good for both of us!