Sunday, December 4, 2011

Family Pictures 2011

A couple of weeks ago my friend Alea took some pictures of our family. Alea is amazing, she is not only a great photographer but she is also one of the most patient people I've ever met. It wasn't easy taking pictures of us. Caiden was teething at the time so it was very hard to get him to smile. Ayla is stubborn and flat out refused to smile or even look at the camera half the time. We went to Chatham Manor for the photo shoot. That's where most of the pics were taken. Then because we didn't get that many good ones of the kids she came to my house last week to take a few more just of them. The ones of the kids at our house turned out fabulous! She really did such a great job! I love them all! I had such a hard time deciding which ones to put on our family Christmas card. Which ones did I choose you ask? Well I guess you'll have to wait until you get your card in the mail.  :)

My beautiful family!

Kicking the leaves!


My sweet boy!

Ummm...this leaf looks good!

Eternal Love!

Mommy and her smoosher

Here's a pretty flower for you!

Okay we're getting bored with this picture thing...

...until Mommy started doing silly dances to make us laugh!

Clap, clap, clap your hands!

Silly Mommy!

Oh I love my brother, I love him...

...I want to give him kisses!


Hmmm. Let me see...

Say what?!

Happy guy!


Annie said...

These look great! I love Ayla's little wrap sweater. The twirly one is my favorite. The photographer is really good (I'm usually picky too). Her post editing isn't too crazy like a lot of photographers out there.

Sherri said...

Super cute photos am! I love them all... I love how long and curly ayla's hair is!