On March 10, 2012 Caiden turned 11 months old! My little man is not so little anymore. I have no official stats this month, but I think he's around 22 lbs. He is wearing size 4 diapers and 12 month clothes. Twelve month pants are long on him though, so I usually have to roll them up so he doesn't slip. He isn't walking on his own yet but loves to walk when someone holds his hands. He pulls up to stand on anything and everything and will walk holding on to things. He LOVES Ayla and has to attempt to do everything she does. This has really started to annoy Ayla lately. I told her this is what happens. If she is coloring or painting or playing with play-doh he wants to as well. She will do it on the table and he will pull up next to the chair where she is and stand there and hold his hands out to her and make demanding noises looking for her to give some to him. He loves to wrestle with Daddy, or Ayla or even sometimes Mommy. He continues to be a great eater. He very rarely gets baby food anymore. He will eat whatever we are having. Last night he had meatloaf, mashed potatoes and green beans. Usually he eats better and more than Ayla does. I'm so glad he's not super picky like Ayla is. He has two teeth on the bottom and is getting his two upper "fangs". Apparently just like his two cousins who are close in age to him. They can all look like vampire babies together. :) He is very friendly and loves to wave to people. Pretty much anyone who smiles at him he will wave to them. When he waves he actually waves to himself because he holds his hand backwards. It's super cute! He loves his Dad and yells "Da!" whenever he sees him and sometimes nearly tears my arms off trying to get down to get to Daddy when he gets home. He loves reading books. Although he bores quickly and usually crawls away after a few minutes. I'm glad he is already showing interest in books though. I'm pretty sure that it's because Ayla loves books so much and he thinks everything she does is cool. He also loves music and will "dance" (bop his bum up and down) in time to any music he hears. He is extremely social and when I'm teaching at church he will crawl over to people during relief society and will stand there and smile at the person until they pick him up. The ladies in relief society LOVE him. I've seen an actual argument over whose turn it was to hold him. It's pretty funny. He has started to be sneaky and get into things. He will open any drawer or cupboard that he can get open and will pull out anything he can get to. He knows how to turn on and off the DVD player and it's really funny because we have music CD's in there so sometimes when he turns it on it takes a minute and then music will start blasting out. He gets a really nervous look on his face and then startes bopping up and down in time to the music. He will often crawl into his and Ayla's room and play with some of the toys in there by himself. Ayla never did this. Ayla still always wants to be around other people, he is fine playing alone for a little while. He does hate it though when the door closes behind him and he can't get back out. He has also just recently started throwing fits. This is not fun. It usually happens anytime someone tells him no. He hates being told no and will arch his back and throw himself on the floor and scream. I ignore him and it's usually over in less than 20 seconds. This does not make me look forward to when he turns two. :( I'm trying to wean him off a bottle so he drinks from a cup a few times a day now, but definitely still prefers a bottle. He usually goes down for a morning nap about an hour after he gets up and sleeps for 45 minutes to an hour. Then after he gets up we usually go somewhere, to a play date, the park, library, friend's house, etc... He loves going out and gets very excited when I carry him outside. His afternoon nap is blessedly longer and usually lasts for 1.5 - 2 hours. For the most part he continues to be my easy going lovable little chunky monkey, he's just getting older! It kind of makes me sad. He's almost going to be considered a toddler! Enjoy the pictures of my not so chunky, chunky monkey!
A good view of his bottom two teeth
This is his "I'm getting into something" face or maybe it should be called the "Oh no she spotted me" face
Trying to get the remote but acting nonchalant about it hoping I don't notice
There's that face again...."Oh no she spotted me!"
I love the remote picture :) His schedule sounds almost exactly like Evangeline's. He's so cute! Did you ever decide what you're going to do about the baby modeling?
so stinkin' cute! how funny, it is the same as penny's schedule too. i really wish we lived closer, we could hang out and have play dates together a lot! :(
we need to see each other soon!!
<3 tt
So cute! I just want to squeeze him but something tells me he wouldn't sit for long!
Sisters...Oh I miss you so! We really do need to see each-other soon. It would be nice to live closer and have playdates. Ayla would love being closer to her "cousin friends" as she calls them. Annie, I did look up some baby modeling agencies in Richmond but haven't done anything further yet. My friend Alea who took our family pics is one of the people that told me to get him into modeling and she has offered to take head shots of him and make a portfolio. I just need to do it, I guess. If he hates it I just won't do it anymore.
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