Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Afternoon on the Potomac River

This past weekend Lucas and I went out on our friend's Ann and Paul's boat on the Potomac river. Ann is one of the teachers I work with. She is one of the chairman (chairwoman?) for a sailboat racing commitee. They had a sailboat race and she was in charge of charting the course, getting the race started and recording the times of the boats as they crossed the finish line. It was really cool. there were about 12 sailboats in the race and it took approximately two hourse for them to finish the course. Normally Ann is on one of the sailboats racing herself, but this weekend she had to fill in keeping time etc.. for someone else. This was good luck for us because she invited us to come out with her. We took lunch and made a day of it. There was one slight glitch. I got a little seasick. Apparantly pregnant ladies should not go out on boats for hours on end. I've been out on boats many, many times ever since I was a little kid and this is the first time that it bothered me. Ann said that the only time it ever bothered her was when she was pregnant. I was fine all day I just started to feel dizzy and queasy the last hour or so. I never actually was physically sick I just felt weird. Anyway for the most part it was a great day. We had a lot of fun.

This is Lucas and I together sitting at the back of the boat. I was trying to avoid a lot of bumps at this point.

Here are three of the sailboats at the very start of the race. That yellow buoy that you see in the background was the starting point. Then the boats had two other markers miles away that they had to go around and then ended up back here at the same yellow buoy.

Here are some of thew boats as they are coming in for the finish. Lucas got to blow the horn as each boat crossed the finish line. It was pretty cool.

While we were waiting for the boats to come back around to the finish we ate lunch and Lucas went tubing. Here is a picture of him relaxing before we took off.

Here is the action shot.


Sue said...

How fun! (except for the motion sickness). This makes me miss the boat we used to have. Remember? It is a good way to beat the summer heat. Ann has been such a good friend to you for years now, Amber. I am so happy you are still close.

Ray and Sue said...

It looks like you guys had a blast except for the motion sickness....boating is lots of fun....I bet the baby was wondering what all of the sloshing around was :o)....see you soon