Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Our trip to NYC

Lucas and I went to visit Tina and Felipe in New Jersey last summer and then we went to New York City for the day. We went everywhere from the Empire State building to Central Park, Times Square to the World Trade Center. We walked for miles. My favorite part was the shopping on Canal street, where I bought a Coach purse and wallet, and Chanel sunglasses. All real of course.

This is Lucas and I at the top of the Empire State building.

Here are a couple of pictures overlooking the city from the Empire State building.

Here is the Ed Sullivan theater where the David Letterman show is filmed.

This is a picture of where the Twin Towers stood. Below the flag is a fence and behind the fence is just a huge hole. They have construction signs up because they are working on the memorial that will go there. It still got me emotional just to stand in that spot and think about what happened there.


Sue said...

I remember walking all around NYC with you & Kari a few years ago, Amber. We have a picture of our family in NYC years ago with the WTC in the background. Standing there & thinking about what happened there is a sobering experience. It made me really appreciate the blessings I enjoy at the present time and especially the understanding I have gained of our Heavenly Father's Plan for all of us that trumps all the evil these people can do.

Ray and Sue said...

NYC & Washington D.C. are the only large cities in the USA that I have not been to. I'm sure that there is a lot of energy going on in that city all the time....maybe one day I'll get a chance to visit. It looks like you did a lot of things while you were there.