Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Fall in Virginia

Okay so I know that these pictures are from last fall, but I really wanted to add them to my blog. Sometimes I really love where I live. These pictures are from Shenandoa National park. They are overlooking the Shenandoa Valley which is about 40 miles southeast of D.C.

This one is for my mom. I know that she really loves fall and all the colors and in southern Utah they don't have spectacular fall colors like they do in the east.

Sunset over the valley.

Lucas and I hiked up a "mountain", now this is a mountain by east coast standards remember, all of my family from out west would laugh at this "mountain". Anyway at the top is the highest point along the appalachian trail. It was around 4,000 feet overlooking the valley.

Here are Lucas and I taking a break after our long hike.


Sue said...

Thanks for thinking of me. You know that is probably what I miss most about WNY, aside from friends and family, it is the fall. 4,000 ft! That's nice! It looks beautiful. Maybe you can take us there someday...

Sue said...

Sorry, When I reread what I just wrote it sounds like someone is going to fall 4,000ft! I should have said it is the "fall colors" that I miss, not the "4,000 ft. fall"...

Ray and Sue said...

I worked for a company who had a plant in the Blue Ridge Parkway about an hour south of Roanoke....It is VERY beautiful there. 4000 feet back east is huge!