Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Our Baby Girl

Here is the most recent sonogram picture of our baby girl. We actually found out that she was a baby girl the day that they took this picture. She wasn't very cooperative that day. We were there for over an hour and they couldn't see what they needed to see because she was upside down and backwards and she was moving around but not turning around. They actually told me to stand up and walk around the room and move my belly around to see if I could get her to turn over. Well it worked. She flipped over and they were able to finish getting the pictures they needed and then they were able to see that she was indeed a girl. Lucas and I are very excited. We already chose a name but it's going to remain a secret until she is born. I see lots of pink clothes and pig tails in my future.


Annie said...

YAY!!! Welcome to the blog world. You were the only one holding out. Its funny, your house looks exactly like what I was expecting.

Lani said...

Welcome to the world of blogging. Check out ours at http://nick-lanisurdukowski.blogspot.com. Congratulations on the baby girl! That's exciting.

Sue said...

I am so excited that I will be able to follow your life on your blog as I do your sisters! Hey, that kid looks a lot like me! :o)

Sue said...

I also wanted to say the I LOVE the picture of you two at Niagara Falls at the top of your blog! You look beautiful Amber! (Lucas always looks hot!)

Ray and Sue said...

Wow Amber....way to go...your blog looks great. I bet your sisters were a big help...they were to me. This is a great way to keep up withe everyone's family. Enjoy yourself.

I think that picture does look like your mom :o)

Ray and Sue said...

So how is little "Beulah Bell" doing? I heard that she's just kicking away. I bet she is VERY healthy