Monday, March 2, 2009

Our little punkin girl

Okay so here I go updating my blog. Sorry that it's been so long I really hate doing "computer" things. Our internet connection is terrible, really slow and often kicks me off, so it really makes it feel like a chore. Anyway last night we had 8 inches of snow here!!!! That is a really big deal for Virginia! We never get snow and 8 inches is a lot at one time for us Virginians. So I had off work and decided to take the time to update my blog. I included mostly pictures of our little punkin girl Ayla. I love showing her off. Can you believe that she is going to be 4 months old on Mar 10?! I can't belive it! Time seems to be flying by. Anyway here are our pics, enjoy!

First a couple pictures of Ayla's room. We never updated our blog after the room was finished so I wanted to show that.

Okay here we go with pictures of our beautiful little girl! These were during play time with Mommy.

Just hanging out in her swing

Daddy snuck in on us during naptime and took a picture because he said that we looked so cute.

Cute girl taking a bath!

It's cold in here put some clothes on me!!

Ayla says, I love cuddling after my bath!

Woops uploaded that one twice!

This was taken just a few days ago. Ayla was having some tummy time and smiling at Mommy! My delay on my camera is so slow it's really hard to capture the smiles.
Here are pictures of baby girl in her little bumbo seat! Isn't she sooo cute! She looks like she's sitting in her own little easy chair. Just relaxing watching tv.

That's all for now folks!!!!


Ray and Sue said...

Great to see you blogging again. The room is cute but Ayla is gorgeous.

It's amazing how babies can just grow out of these blue chair thingys too.

tt moreno said...

yes a post! I was going to delete your link from my blog b.c i thought you were done with it. I cant believe how much she has changed. She is so cute, I cant figure out who she looks like yet though. So cute! Cant wait to see her next

Annie said...

She is HUGE. I'll see get the pleasure of meeting her someday soon :)

Love the landscape painting on the wall. I forgot about that thing !

Sherri said...

cute cute!

Sue said...

She is getting so BIG! (Not to mention cute...) Hey, Amber that picture of her looking up looks so much like the one of you at about the same age where you were looking up at a big stuffed turtle... Do you know which picture I mean? I think you were 5 months old... It looks like the same kid. Mom