Monday, August 3, 2009

Summertime Fun!

I love this picture of Ayla it is a typical "Ayla pose" she always has to put her feet up on something. Whether she is in her high chair or stroller or car seat she probably has her feet up.

This is a picture of Ayla at the beach. It was her first time at a beach. She did really well and we had a great time!

Ayla and mommy at the beach

Here are a few pictures of Kari's kids. This is Payton he is turning 8 in December. He really loved playing with Ayla while we were there.
Here is Bronson he will be 4 in a couple of weeks.

Here is Eli he is 2 1/2

Here is Brinly, she is 6. She also loved playing with Ayla. Ayla had lots of fun with her cousins up in Buffalo

This is my sister Tina's daughter Raquel. I love this picture, I think it fits her personality.
While we were in Buffalo we went to visit my step father's grave.

I love this picture of Brinly with Ayla. Payton and Brinly were both fantastic with Ayla. they loved palying with her and I feel very confident that they are well on their way to being great babysitters in a few years.

Ayla says "Happy 4th of July"

I love this picture of my niece Camila. It looks like it could be a magazine cover
Here is a picture of my niece Raquel on the 4th of July.
Here are all of the sisters together. this is the first picture of all of us together that I have had in a long time. We went to the Niagara River for a fun day in the park earlier in the day on the 4th of July and many of these pictures were taken there. My sister Sherri is nine months pregnant she is due to have a baby girl Aug 14.
Here are all of the cousins (currently all of them) together at the Niagara River. We couldn't get all of them to sit and look at the same time but this turned out cute I thought.

Here is my niece Camila. She was born April 18 so Ayla is only a few months older than her. We are hoping that they will be good friends when they get a little older.

Here is a picture of our little family taken at the Niagara River on the 4th of July 2009.
This picture of Ayla in the swimming floaty is one of my favorite. We went swimming at my Aunt's house. Ayla loved it she is definitly not afraid of the water. We had a great time!
Here's Daddy and Ayla cuddling under the stars waiting for fireworks to start on the 4th of July
Mommy and Ayla swinging at the park. I have been trying to do something fun with Ayla everyday that I have off this summer, so we have spent a lot of time at parks swinging. One of my neighbors has two little boys Granger who is 2 and Richard who is 1 and we have been hanging out with them a lot.

Ayla with Papa

Ayla with Great Grandma Meyer. Great Grandma looks pretty good for 83!

1 comment:

tt moreno said...

Ayla looks like you in that last pic!!