Monday, August 3, 2009

Summertime Fun!

So here I go updating my blog. I really need to get better at this, it's taken me hours just to update it today. Maybe if i got better at it I would update it more regularly. Anyway we went to good ol buffalo this summer to visit family. We had a great time. Ayla loved playing with her cousins. She watched them and decided that she didn't want to just crawl anymore she wanted to be able to stand up like they did, so she is now pulling herself up on things. She learned it our second week up in Buffalo. I am having a great time being off of work with her. I really don't want to go back to work, but unfortunately we can't afford for me to not work. But looking at the bright side of things i am lucky that I have a job that affords me two months off to spend with my little punkin girl. We have a had a great time, we go to the park a lot and we have made new friends. We also discovered that Ayla is a little water bug she loves to be in the water whether it's 2 inches deep or 5 feet she loves kicking her feet in it and splashing. Most of these pictures were taken while we were spending time up in Buffalo. These first few were taken at the Clarence Center Coffee House where we went for breakfast one morning. My sister Annie is a photography teacher and she takes fantastic pictures. She took these first ones of Ayla alone, and Ayla and I at the coffee house.

This is Ayla giving me kisses. When she is in the right mood and you ask for a kiss this is what she does. I personally think it is adorable!


Ray and Sue said...

Great photos.Ayla is so photogenic and has gorgeous eyes. I'm glad that you are back posting again.Sounds like you made the right choice with regards to work too. Have a great school year.

tt moreno said...

i love those photos of her, she is adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!