Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Ayla's First Birthday!

Ayla's first birthday was Nov 10, 2009. For her birthday we had a little party with a few friends, and family. From work, my friend Ann and her husband Paul came, my friend Melissa came and my friend Paula, her husband Nate and her little niece Autumn came. My friend Megan came with her two boys Richard and Granger. Lucas's family came including Aunt Gina and Grandma Forsythe all the way from Delaware. And last but certainly not least my Dad and Grandma Meyer came all the way from Buffalo. We were so excited that Dad and Grandma came. They came a couple of days early and stayed with us for a few days so we really got to spend some quality time with them. It was a lot of fun!

This is a picture of Daddy and Ayla. Ayla's all dressed up in her fancy birthday outfit!
I "decorated" our dining room for the occasion. Notice the cakes on the counter in the background.

My friend Ann and Paula's little niece Autumn. She was adorable and so good.

Richard had a blast playing with the balloons. My Dad and Lucas's Dad spent some time getting to know eachother better. In the background you can see Aunt Gina and Grandma sitting on the couch.

Papa (My Dad) and the birthday girl! Grandma Meyer is in the background. I hope I look as good and that I am in as good of shape as her at her age.

Ayla's personal birthday cake. She had her own because we thought that she would tear into it and mae a huge mess and no-one would want to eat it after her. That didn't happen. She very tentatively touched the frosting and then put some in her mouth and that was about it. She didn't really want it. At that point she hadn't really had a whole lot of experience with sweet things so I think it was just a little too sweet for her. She still isn't too into dessert. (I don't know where that comes from). She prefers fruit to cookies. Really!

The cake for everyone else!

Here she is trying the cake. You can see Granger there really dying for some of the cake.

Oh no I'm messy get this frosting off my hand!

Could I please enjoy my cake without all these cameras in my face!

Ayla posing with Mommy before opening her presents.

Ann, Melissa and I all bought Ayla the same card with Elmo on it (without planning it). Luckily she really liked it and carried one of the cards around with her for most of the night.

What's in this big bag Mommy?

Okay great a snowsuit. Where's that tissue paper, that looked like fun.

Ahh there it is I found it.

Maybe there's a toy in this one.


Ray and Sue said...

Wow...it's nice to see you getting caught up on things. Keep the updates coming...you've got 9 months worth of updates to go :)

Kari said...

Ayla looks so young in those pictures already. She's growing up so fast.

Lucas and Amber said...

Ha ha true about the 9 mos of updates. i'm working on it. it's so nice with our new computer. Ayla does look a lot younger in these pics, and a lot chunkier.

Sue said...

Cute pics. I swear she looks so much like your baby pictures here! I'm going to have to dig some out to compare.