Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Halloween 2009

So this past Halloween our little punky was a pretty monarch butterfly. We went to the church for trunk or treat and ended up getting may more candy than we needed. At the time Ayla wasn't even eating candy yet. Here is a shot of the back of her costume. This is in the lobby of the church. You can see Daddy in the background taking videos.

Family Shot. Lucas looks really excited!
Ayla attempting to eat smarties without any teeth.
Who could resist giving her some candy when she comes walking by with her little pumpkin bucket.

Ayla with Grandma at our house before heading over to the church.

Ayla says "Look at how cute I am!"

Another view of the back of her costume. Grandpa is in the background trying to get some pictures. We are lucky to have Lucas's family around they really love Ayla and are really cute with her.


Stephanie said...

Welcome back to bloggerworld :)

Annie said...

Jiggawhaaaaaa??!! Keep blogging please!! I'll even make your blog book for you if you keep blogging. I promise.

Lucas and Amber said...

Really Annie! Wow that would be great.

Sue said...

I love this little butterfly costume! So sweet!