Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Christmas 2009

For Christmas this year we went to St. George, Utah to be with my family. My mom and step-father Ray live there. Also my sister Kari, her husband Will, and their kids Payton, Brinly, Bronson, and Eli. My sister Sherri and her husband Talon also came with their baby Addison. My sister Tina and her husband Felipe came with their two girls Raquel, and Camila. And my sister Annie and her husband Brett also came with their adorable and funny pug, Stanley. It was great to all be together we don't ALL get together very often so we really cherish the time when we do. It was so much fun to have all of the cousins together. I loved watching Ayla, watching her older cousins. She thinks that they are cool and learns new things by watching them.

This first picture is of my own little family, taken on Christmas at Mom and Ray's house. Ray is an excellent cook and we were blessed to be able to enjoy an excellent dinner over at their house.
Here are all the cousins together. It was really hard getting 8 kids 8 and under to look at the camera at the same time, so I included two pictures so that you might be able to see someone a little better in one over the other. In the back row starting from ther left we have Brinly,Payton,Eli, and Bronson. In the front row from the left we have Camila, Ayla, Raquel, and Addison.

It's Christmas Addie in her pope hat!

Ayla on Christmas morning. I think she was checking out the gifts looking for her name! (ha ha)
Close up of my little punky. Notice the mark on her upper lip, this is because she insisted that she was big enough to walk down the stairs on her own. When she tried she fell and hit her lip. Hence the mark there. This did not discourage her from walking down the stairs on her own. My little fearless one.

Rub a dub dub four cousins in a tub!

Poor Stanley, we were really giving him a hard time. Annie and Brett realized that when they pull his sweater up over his head like this he just freezes in place. It really is hilarious! He just stood there not moving for probably 3-4 minutes before someone took pity on him.

Uncle Talon trying to get Stanley to move.

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