Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Snow, snow, and more snow!

So this past winter we broke records for snowfall here in Virginia. In December we had a storm where we got 29 inches in 1 night. Not that big of a deal for Buffalo, a huge deal for Virginia. Then later in February we got snow, snow, and more snow. It snowed for days. I think by the time it was done we had 60 something inches. It was crazy. These pics are a compilation of different days playing outside in the snow. I had off work for two weeks. It was great! An unplanned winter break, I loved it!
This first pic is Ayla all dressed and ready to go out. Notice the plastic bags on the floor in the background. I bought boots for Ayla but once she actually tried to walk in them she couldn't. She could barely stand up in them. So I wasn't about to run out to the store after I had gotten her all ready to go out, so I put plastic bags on over her sneakers and rubberbands around her ankles to keep them on. It wasn't that pretty but it actually worked great.
Ayla and Mommy watching poor Daddy shovel the driveway.

Ayla on her slide in our backyard.

Poor Daddy shoveling the driveway again and again!

Ayla fell and couldn't get up. She was like that kid in the Christmas story, she couldn't even put her arms down. She just layed there and waited for me to come and get her.

Ayla on her slide. I think the snow is so pretty when it is like this all clean and piled up on things.

We went sledding with our friends Richard and Granger. Ayla got tired of trying to sit up against the force of the sled when it was being pulled so she just layed down on Granger. After awhile even when we were stopped she just layed there, it was pretty funny.

Ayla laying on Richard

Daddy, Granger and Granger jr. walking down the street. Nope it's not Buffalo it's Virginia.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Wow! It really is amazing how much you got! How fun! You will treasure these memories in years to come...