Friday, July 30, 2010

Gymnastics Class

In March Ayla started taking a gymnastics class. I was looking for something for her to do with other kids her age, that would get her out of the house, and give her a chance to run around and burn off some energy. She is at home all day while I'm at work with Grandma. As much as Grandma loves her I'm afraid that Grandma is a bit boring. She does have storytime at the library that she goes to, but I was looking for something a little more exciting for her. Gymnastics is a perfect fit. She has really taken off and can now pull herself up on the little bar and hang from it, she can also do a sommersault. The teacher Miss Jill loves her and makes a big deal out of her because she is the littlest one in the class but she can do more than most of the other kids. I know it's a surprise that a daughter of mine would have no fear, but she really doesn't. I have found myself taking off on a lot of Mondays so that I can take her to gymnastics. It's been great this summer getting to take her every week and watch her progression. When she first started going she couldn't even begin to jump now she jumps all the time. She is truly a little Tigger, bouncing and bouncing all the time. I think that you can see her progression in these pictures. The first couple are from her first class when she wasn't too sure of herself and didn't really know what to do. As she went more and more I think her confidence grew, as well as her skills, and you can really see it in these pics.

First class. Ayla says, "What do I do Mom?"
Having a little more fun now that she found this cool sliding mat.

A couple months later.

Ayla says, "Look what I can do now Mom!"

Jumping on the trampoline

Miss Jill helping her do a sommersault. She really doesn't need any help, but she makes the teacher nervous because she has no fear and will just flip herself off things.

Hey Mom watch this!


Since going to gymnastics Ayla now has to hang on everything. She pulls herself up on the counter to see what's up there. She balances on this little tiny spot on my bed that's about 1/3 of an inch and from there pulls herself up onto my king size bed which is pretty high off the ground. Once on my bed of course it's a free for all of bouncing. She pulls out the bar stools that we have in the kitchen and uses strictly her arm strength to pull herself up onto them. It's pretty funny, I'm sure she probably would have been doing some of these things anyway, but look what I created by sending her to gymnastics.
Waiting her turn on the trampoline.


Kari said...

Awesome posts! You're really catching up. It's fun to see things that have happened with you guys. I can't believe all that snow in Fredricksberg. I think I'll miss it at Christmas.

Annie said...

So fun! (I'm serious about making the book for you as long as you keep your end of the deal).

Ray and Sue said...

Keep the posts coming. It's great catching up and if you do you'll be able to make a great blog book. Annie's is awesome!

Lucas and Amber said...

Thanks for the comments and the support guys, I really appreciate it. You will miss the snow at Christmas Kar. I will keep blogging it's so much easier with this new computer. It literally takes less than 20 secs to upload 5 pics. My old computer took hours.

Sue said...

This little girl was made for gymnastics... (just like her Mom & Grandma!) I bet she loves it!

Lucas said...

My little Alya is such a big part of are lives if you can't tell. I Love to have fun with my family.