Saturday, July 31, 2010

Easter 2010

This past Easter we had Lucas's family over for dinner and to watch conference. It was great to be gathered together as a family. It was interesting watching conference with everyone there because Ayla is so used to being the center of attention especially when her aunt and uncles are around, but we were all trying to pay attention to conference. So she decided to try and put a show on for us to win her some attention. She was doing sommersaults and twirling and jumping. (Shocker my daughter being a big ham and wanting attention!) It worked and she ended up getting quite a bit of attention. Soon to be Uncle, Ike (Emily's fiance) is always good for playing. Ayla cried hysterically the first time she saw him, so he has been trying to win her over for months now. (She has him right where she wants him.) Anyway after dinner we wanted to go outside and take some pictures of Ayla in her Easter dress. This first picture is right after we asked her if she wanted to go outside. She was on her way to the door as I was trying to take the picture.

Before she posed we had to let her get some of her pent up energy out, so she played on her swing set. Being a clean freak I was a little worried about keeping her dress clean but she did fine.

Is somebody going to push me?

Grandma said that it was time to go and pose for the pictures.

Daddy lured me over to the tree by offering to let me play with his keys, a coveted item I rarely get to hold.

I was very upset when Daddy took the keys away!

"How big is Ayla?" So Big!

I like to clap!

Sweet girl

All right what was I going to do?

Oh that's right I was going to pick these flowers.

These flowers go really well with my dress.

Okay I'm done with these pictures back to the slide!


Stephanie said...

Yep, there will be no more paying attention to conference for you for a while. Good thing it's archived and you can always watch it online later ;)

Kari said...

Ayla is so beautiful. That picture of her looking away from the camera next to her play set it gorgeous! Keep up the good work. Only 4 months to catch up on.

Sue said...

Nice pictures. Keep up the posts... it will be well worth it. (Annie promised to make a book for you, didn't she?)