Sunday, December 26, 2010

Halloween 2010

I have lots of cute Christmas pics that I want to blog about but being a little OCD I feel that I have to try to stay in order. So as I have lots of time off I figured I'll use it to get caught up on my blog.

For Halloween this year Ayla really wanted to be Elmo. We went and looked at costumes, there were plenty of girly princess costumes and plenty of animal costumes but she wanted Elmo. We looked several times and every time I'd find something that I wanted her to be she would say "No Elmo". So I looked for Elmo costumes that I liked but they were all like blanket pajamas with an Elmo head. I wasn't crazy about these at all. It's usually in the 60's around here in October and I knew she would be sweating in a heavy blanket type costume. So I looked online and found this really cute Elmo costume for $10. I loved it, Ayla loved it, it was a win win situation! I also found an Elmo head to use as a candy collector instead of a pumpkin. It was $2 at a thrift shop. It went really well with her costume and she still uses it, she calls it her Elmo purse. I have to say I think my little Elmo is the cutest Elmo ever.

We went to our church trunk or treat, which is a Halloween party/chili cookoff. We had an awesome variety of chili for dinner and there was also food for little kids so Ayla wasn't left out. Then there was a parade of costumes and some kids games. It was a lot of fun. After the festivities were over indoors the real fun began outdoors. Everyone parked their cars so that the trunks were all facing into a walkway and everyone had candy in their cars. The kids then walked from car to car and trunk or treated. People get really into it. Almost everyone had their car decorated with at least a couple jack'o lanterns. Some people were playing creepy music. Most of the adults dressed up also to hand out the candy. It's always the biggest church party of the year and this year was no different. There were 100-150 people there. It was a lot of fun. It was great for little kids like Ayla's age. When she gets older it will be fun to go door to door in our neighborhood but for now this was a perfect way for her to trick or treat. As it is we still have Halloween candy left over. Lucas dressed as a "Black-eyed P", Ayla of course was Elmo and I pinned Smarties to my pants and went as "smarty pants" (fitting I know).

Don't let the picture fool you Ayla really did have a good time she just wouldn't smile for the camera.

A shot of my smarty pants

One family in our ward got really into the Halloween spirit and had a "Haunted Hayride" at the trunk or treat. Here's a picture of my brave little girl who just marched right up onto that hayride and held her Elmo bucket out for some candy. She wouldn't sit on Santa's lap this year, (she actually kicked him when I tried to make her) but she walks right up to a person dressed in a creepy costume with some creepy music playing for some candy.

I'm not sure what was going on with Ayla in this picture but as you can see she does have the remains of a candy bar in her hand. I suspect she had a little too much chocolate. She did have some nasty #2's the next couple of days. I went inside to help for a while and I suspect Daddy wasn't too strict on the chocolate eating.

Elmo and the Black-eyed P waving bye!


Annie said...

She is the cutest Elmo I've ever seen :)

Ray and Sue said...

I agree with Annie...I just love Halloween.

Lucas and Amber said...

Thanks Annie and Ray! Miss you guys!