Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Birthday

Okay I know it was awhile ago....
I had a very nice birthday this year. I'm married to a great guy who gave me the day off from doing any duties. He cooked and cleaned and took care of both Ayla and I throughout the day. This year I was also lucky enough to have off from work thanks to Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Thanks MLK! I actually had a birthday weekend this year. It started off Saturday night when Lucas and I went to Firebirds (a local steakhouse) and had a delicious dinner. I had steak and a lobster tail! (Yum!) Then we went to see the latest Harry Potter movie. Yes, I know it's been out forever and I am way late, but I purposelly waited. I hate sitting in really crowded theaters and I also didn't feel like watching the movie with a bunch of students or a bunch of kids my students age. I figured that if we went late we would avoid them. It was really good, but I still like the books better. It will probably be the last movie we see for awhile. The seats in the theaters are like rocking chairs and they lean back when you sit in them. Most people would like this. Me being a short, pregnant lady do not. I am too short to keep my feet on the floor the whole time, I'd literally be on tiptoe, and when it leans back I have a hard time breathing because the baby pushes on my diaphragm, which pushes on my lungs. Needless to say we'll be renting movies at home for the duration of this pregnancy.
Sunday was an uneventful day. We went to church, napped, watched football, and played with Ayla. Monday was my birthday. Not only did I have off, Lucas had off as well. He let me sleep in, took care of Ayla, made me a delicious dinner, and then made me a cake. Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, my favorite!

Here is a picture of my birthday cake, cards, and present. We didn't have any other candles so we used a little tea light candle.

Daddy and Ayla posing after their hard work making my cake and wrapping my gift.

Ayla and I right before Lucas and Ayla sang to me.

Blowing the candle out. I was waiting for Ayla to help me.

Ayla sneaking a taste of frosting when she thought she was safe.

Here's my gift from Lucas. I was proud of him, I didn't even think he was getting me anything. He did a great job thinking of something I would like, and then keeping it a secret. It's an e-reader. It's like a Kindle but it's the Borders version, called a Kobo. It's great I can download and read books whenever I want. I love it!


Annie said...

One of the theaters here has the same kind of seats. I ++HATE++ them. We've seen 2 movies there since I've been getting "larger" so I have to sit on the edge of my seat the whole time or else my feet don't touch and I'm reclining like an idiot. I feel your pain. Having short legs usually is more of a hindrance than advantageous....

Annie said...

Woops, LOHS Photo is me, Annie....

Christina Rose //floresdelsol said...

haha we dont have any reclining seats at our theaters.

sounds like a perfect birthday!

Ray and Sue said...

I hate the reclining sets too. You would think they would have some little gadget thingy attached where you could lock it closed if you wanted to.

Nice birthday. Those e-readers look great, I heard Borders was filing Chapter 11 this morning. Hopefully that won't be a problem for you.