Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cute pics

Here are some adorable pics of the adorable people in my life. I might be very busy as a stay at home Mommy but I'm a very happy busy. My children really do bring joy into my life every single day. Even when one has been up for three hours in the middle of the night and the other wakes up at 6:30 in the morning. They are truly the lights of my life.

I went out to lunch with some of my friends from work. Here is a picture of me and my friend Melissa. Her little boy's name is Ryder he is 6 months old. Ayla was fascinated by Ryder because he could actually interact with her. Caiden is getting there he smiles at her now but that's really about all the interaction she gets from him, so she loved playing with Ryder. She still asks about him.

Ayla wanted to swing in the baby swing at the park we went to. I thought that it was a hilarious shot I couldn't resist taking her picture.
I don't recommend trying this at home. One night I lost my mind and decided to try to bathe both kids together at the same time. This is what resulted. It didn't last long. Ayla splashes constantly and the baby didn't like it, she wanted to hold him and was mad when I told her no not in the tub. I ended up quickly washing the baby then getting him out. While I was getting the baby ready Ayla sat in his little tub (which used to be hers, hence the pink color), filled up the tub with more water until the baby tub floated and bopped around the tub in the baby tub pretending she was in a boat. She loved it and keeps asking to do it again.


Sherri said...

awww... cute pictures :)

Annie said...

Chubby babies are the best!

tt moreno said...

love his chubby chubby cheeks! he's getting so big! im glad you are enjoying being a stay at home mommy

Lucas and Amber said...

Thanks girls miss you guys! Chubby babies are the best! :)

Sue said...

Adorable, Amber! Really!