Thursday, June 30, 2011

One Month Old!

Caiden turned one month old on May 10, 2011

As of his one month checkup Caiden weighed 9 lbs. 4 oz. (50%) He was 20 1/4 inches tall. (10%)
His head circumference was 35 1/2 cm. (10%). Caiden is a HUGE eater. He eats much more and more often then Ayla did. He gains weight much quicker. We went back to the doctors office 8 days after his one month appointment because Ayla had a checkup and he weighed 10 lbs. 11 oz. So he gained 1 lb. 7 oz. in 8 days. This is a ton of weight to gain for such a little guy! Caiden has acid reflux. This is not fun for Caiden or Mommy. He was put on Zantac which I give him twice a day and this has really seemed to help. It took awhile but now that the medicine is working he is a happy guy! Here are Caiden's likes and dislikes.
Likes: When he is held
Being warm
Sleeping in his bouncy seat (the angle helps with the acid reflux)
His swing
Riding in the car
Dislikes: Coming out of the bath
having his diaper changed
having his clothes changed
being laid on the floor
when his reflux is bad
being gassy
when Mommy doesn't get to him immediately when he is hungry (he has a little bit of a temper and lets me know that he's angry with me if I make him wait)

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