Thursday, June 30, 2011

Two Months Old!

Caiden turned two months old on June 10, 2011.
At his two month checkup Caiden weighed 12 lbs. 14 oz. (75%)
He was 22 inches tall (25%) and his head circumference was 38 cms. (25%)
The doctor said that he is a very social two month old. Surprise surprise, I will have another child who loves to talk. I don't know where they get it from. ;) He is the cutest baby in the world. (Of course I'm a little biased.) Although I do constantly have people stop me to comment on how cute he is. The biggest comment I get is "Oh my goodness look at his cheeks!" In the last two weeks he has turned a corner and his awake so much more and way more aware of what is going on around him. He is very happy most of the time and smiles at us all the time. He was having a real issue with gas and acid reflux and we tried lots of things. At his last appointment Dr. Purcell said to try Culterelle, it's a probiotic specifically designed for kids. It comes in powder form and I mix it with an ounce of breastmilk and give it to him in the evenings. What a difference it made! He has been so much happier. Now he sleeps a minimum of five hours at a time, many times sleeping 7-8 hours through the night. He still has a bit of a temper and gets mad when Mommy can't get to him right away to feed him, but he is easily forgiving and as soon as I pick him up he calms right down.
Likes: Being held and cuddled
When Ayla sings to him
Sleeping in his bouncy seat
Taking baths or showers
Licking the water when it hits his face in the shower
When people talk baby talk to him and tell him he's cute
Riding in the car
His toy that plays music, has blinking lights, and vibrates
When Daddy gets home
Being held in an upright position so he can see what's going on
Having his legs and feet rubbed
Sucking on his fist
Dislikes: Being left alone in a room when he is awake
When Mommy eats chocolate (it gives him bad gas)
When Mommy changes his diaper before feeding him when he's hungry
Getting out of the bath or shower
Having cold lotion rubbed on him
Having his nails clipped
Being held in a horizontal position when he is awake
The taste of formula (can't say I blame him, he hardly ever has it)
When Mommy gets mad at Ayla and yells at her (it makes Caiden cry too)
When he gets bad gas or acid reflux
When someone lays him down and he wants to be held
When he can't get his fist to his mouth to suck on it


Annie said...

I'm lovin' all of the updates! Evangeline's head circumference was 84 % (surprise surprise :)

Ray and Sue said...

Great post Amber....he is such a cutie! Love those cheeks!

Sue said...

Good notes about him, Amber. How sweet he is!