Sunday, August 7, 2011


Last weekend we decided to have a family day together at the pool. So we headed to Curtis Park which in my opinion has the nicest pool in the area. We packed a picnic lunch, grabbed the floaties, and slathered on the sunscreen. We had a great day! Ayla is not afraid to swim in the deep water (4 ft.) with Mommy or Daddy but does seem afraid to do it herself (which is a good thing in my opinion, she's way too daring to attempt it yet). We spent most of the day at the kiddie pool which is 0-12 inches deep. But we also spent awhile at the adult pool. It was a very fun day. We can't wait to do it again. Here's some pictures of our great day.


Sherri said...

must have been a fun day! tina and i have been going to the pool like everyday with the girls.

Ray and Sue said...

Looks like everyone had a great time. They be swimming like little fishies in no time at all.

Sue said...

Fun! What a great way to spend a day as a family! By the way... after that last post all I can see is Lucas when I look at Caiden!

tt moreno said...

love them kids!!