Sunday, October 30, 2011

4 Months Old

August 10, 2011 my baby boy turned 4 months old!
Highlights of this month: He's starting to try to roll over. He no longer has to take the Zantac as his acid reflux has gone away. He is much more aware of his surroundings and loves being around people.
Here's his statistics:
Height:23 1/4 inches-10% (Sorry Caiden looks like you inherited the shrimpy genes)
Weight: 15 lbs. 3 oz- 50%
Head Circumference: 41cm -25%


Annie said...

HEY he's almost 7 months now! I wanna see his 7 month stats :)

Gorski Family History said...

Yes! 7 month pics & stats! Are his cheeks still as chubby? They look very kissable!

Lucas and Amber said...

I'm getting there girls. Gotta go in order for when I make my blog book.

Sue said...

Wouldn't it be funny if he was tall when he grew up? (Not much chance of that with the genes!)