Saturday, November 19, 2011

6 Months Old

My little snuggler turned 6 months old October 10, 2011. He is sitting up, but not great, he looks a little wobbly but he doesn't fall for awhile and can catch his balance when he starts to fall. He readily grabs for things with his hands and stuffs everything in his mouth. He loves his sister and watches and laughs at her all the time. He sleeps through the night, usually going to bed around 8:30 or so and sleeps 12-13 hours. Sometimes he wakes up when I go to bed. He sleeps in the same room as me so I seriously think that he smells me (no I don't smell bad) and that's why he wakes up.  He usually takes a 45 minute morning nap about an hour after he's been up and a 2-3 hour afternoon nap. I try so hard to get him and Ayla to take a nap at the same time but it just seems to never work out. Usually he is tired much earlier in the afternoon then Ayla normally goes down so I'll put him down and then by the time that Ayla goes down he's already been sleeping for more than an hour. Oh well I'm sure it'll get better as they get older. He is such a laid back happy guy. I'm very blessed in that aspect. He is quick to smile especially when he's tired. He gets goofy when he's tired it's really cute. He'll crack up at anything when he's tired which makes us want to keep him up longer and play with him. 
Likes: He loves to eat, and he's a good eater. The only thing I've found that he doesn't like is peas and if I make the peas and grind them up in the bullet he loves them. Baby food peas I have to mix in with other foods and then he'll eat them. He also started snacking on little rice treats, they are very plain but they're shaped like a small ear of corn and they flake off and melt in his mouth. He loves to hold onto them and munch on them. I think he feels like a big boy. He loves rolling and he rolls everywhere. I will put him down in one location and find him in a completely different spot 30 seconds later. He will actually roll around furniture to get behind it to something he wants (usually Ayla's toys). He likes playing peek a boo and will actually cover his own face up sometimes and wait for me to say "Where's Caiden?" We were playing this one day and he kept doing it over and over and after a few times he would cover his face and then crack up with the anticipation of peeking out at me.  It was so cute! He loves nursing but hates formula and unfortunately I'm just not producing enough milk for him anymore. I still try but I don't think he's getting a lot. 
Dislikes: He hates teething and seems like he's been doing it since 4 months and still no teeth. Poor guy chews on his lower lip constantly. He doesn't like changing his clothes, especially having his arms forced into something really irritates him. He hates being poopy and will fuss until I change him. He gets bored after awhile of playing with the same toys and I have to get out more toys for him, unless Ayla is up and then he rolls around after her. He doesn't like drinking out of a cup, I tried it once and he immediately spit out everything that he got in his mouth. 

Here's some pictures of my happy little guy!

  "I must get that paper I must!"


RayS said...

What a cute little sounds like he has the perfect little personality too.

Kari said...

I love how much you're posting. You're making me look bad. He is so adorable. I just want to smoosh his cheeks with my lips. I love how in your post about the Murdocks visiting you even gave a little shout out to Stan. I'm glad you survived Stan.