Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pumpkin Farm

The week before Halloween my Mommy's group got together and we all took our kids to a little local pumpkin farm called Clark's Farm. There are lots of them in our area but most of them are pretty expensive. The little one that we went to was small, and cheap; only a few dollars. We had a really good time. Here's a few pictures of our day.

 We got to paint our "baby" pumpkins; as Ayla calls them.
 Caiden enjoyed watching the kids and animals run around.
 Ayla bravely climbed straw mountain.
 And then got up there and was a little disappointed. "Really I climbed up here for this!"
 Ayla played on the little playground...

 ....and rode the straw horse.

 Then Ayla got her face painted. She chose a spider in honor of Halloween. She did really well with holding still I was proud of her. Kudos to the lady who was doing the painting she must have painted one hundred faces or more that day. More and more kids kept coming and then field trips started showing up right as we were getting ready to leave.

 My cute kids!

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