Wednesday, November 23, 2011


This year for Halloween both of my kids were elephants. Why you ask? Because the costumes were free! I borrowed them from my sister. Caiden obviously doesn't care. Ayla didn't really have any idea of what she wanted and I suggested that she be the Mommy elephant and Caiden would be the baby elephant and she thought that was a great idea! Woo hoo for me! We had more of a Halloween weekend then just one day. It started with our church trunk or treat/costume parade/chili cookoff on Saturday night. It was really quite cool for our area so I was glad my kids had warm costumes. The church party was fun but it's also hard when you have little kids. The older kids get a little wild and crazy and literally start pushing the little kids out of the way to get to the candy quicker then they go around to the same cars over and over again. Poor Ayla ended up not having much by the time she got to certain cars. (It worked out though, really how much candy does she need.) Here's some pictures of my baby elephant and mommy elephant from the church party.

Umm this trunk looks tasty!

Grandpa (Lucas's Dad) ended up coming to the church party with us. That was nice. It worked out for us because then we had an extra helper. He carried Caiden around while I took Ayla to the cars, and Lucas stayed at our car to hand out candy. I think Grandpa really enjoyed himself too.

A few months ago I joined a group of  stay at home mom's who all have kids around the same age. It's nice because we get together at least once a week and have play dates or picnics if the weather is nice. it gives me a chance to get my kids out to get some social interaction with other kids and gives me adult conversation. Anyway, this year for Halloween we went trick or treating with all the kids and adults from my Mommy's group. It was a lot of fun. We all met up at my friend Tara's house and had pizza for dinner with some hot apple cider, homemade Halloween cupcakes, and homemade Halloween cookies. The kids played for awhile then we get them into their costumes and headed out for some trick or treating around Tara's neighborhood. Kudos to Tara and Chris for having all of us over at their house. There was a ton of people I think about ten Mommy's, ten husbands, 10-15 kids, and a few grandparents mixed in as well. It was crazy but fun! Before we headed out to go trick or treating we completely lost our minds and tried to get a picture of the kids dressed in their costumes. We managed to get about 3/4 of them at one time. Here's some of the shots we got.  

It was the first time that we ever took Ayla trick or treating. In the last two years we just did the trunk or treat at the church. I thought maybe she'd be a little apprehensive. Nope, not my girl she'd march right up to the door and say "Trick or treat!" Sometimes the people would put the candy in before she said anything and then I would ask her what do you say?  Looking for her response to be "Thank you." She would usually then say "trick or treat" it was cute.

 Excuse me sir the candy is only for the kids not the kids at heart!

1 comment:

RayS said...

Cute post. I love Halloween so much. It is such a great holdiay for the kids and the kids at heart. They look so cute together as elephants too. Perfect costumes...cute AND free :)