Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Eating Solid Food

I thought that 5 months was a pretty good age to start feeding my little man some solid foods. He didn't seem to be getting as filled up from breast-milk as he used to so I started some rice cereal with him. We went to Grandma's house for dinner on September 11 so I thought that I would feed him some solid food for the first time with Grandma and Grandpa there to watch. He took to it pretty quickly and it became an everyday thing. The first picture is literally the first bite of solid food that he ever

I might look like I'm not enjoying this but I am!

" Oh I am so full!"

After dinner Caiden got in a special snuggle time with Daddy....

...and Ayla made a special hat with Aunt Emily!

 GG Forsythe and Aunt Gina were there visiting it was good to see them. They hadn't seen Caiden since he was a couple weeks old.
 Family Pic minus Uncle Cody who's on a mission.


Ray and Sue said...

Those kids are just adorable. Caiden is getting so big. We sure do miss them.

Sue said...

It's about time he got some solid food to put a little meat on those bones! jk ... He's adorable!

btw - At 5 months old you started drinking from a cup because I had to stop nursing and you wouldn't take a bottle! Imagine that!