Friday, February 17, 2012

Chunky Monkey is 10 months old!~My Pretty Princess

Caiden turned 10 months old on February 10, 2012! I know I say this every month but I really can't believe that he is 10 months old. It seems like time has flown by, but at the same time it seems like he's always been with us.
 My little chunky monkey continues to delight us with his antics and his happy personality. I don't have any official stats this month but when he went to the doctor last week for an ear infection :( they weighed him with clothes on and his weight was 20 lbs. 14 oz. He's still a little shrimp, my friends little boy who is six months old is longer than him; but that's okay, there's not much chance he'll be tall.
Just last week he started pulling up to stand on things. We pulled a leap frog activity table out of storage for him and he loves it. I figured he would. He's so smart he realizes that this is his toy and he grunts at Ayla when she moves in on his territory and tries to play with his toy. Anyway, a day after bringing the activity table home he was crawling around on the floor and kept reaching his little fingers up to play with the table while I was watching Jeopardy. I wasn't looking at him for a minute or so and when I turned back to him he was standing up at the table playing with it, he had the biggest grin on his face; just waiting for me to notice him. It was so cute; but I was a little upset that I missed the first time he pulled up to stand. He now does it on just about anything he can. He also figured out how to go from a crawling position to a sitting position, and open cupboards and drawers. We have some diapers and wipes in a bin in one of the cupboards of our entertainment center. One of Caiden's favorite activities as of late is to open this cupboard, pull out the bin, spread the diapers all over the room and pull out wipes one by one. He laughs hysterically while doing this. Guess I'll have to put a lock on the cupboard.
 He is a very good eater and has eaten everything I've ever given to him. I gave him taco meat last week and he ate that but then cried a few minutes later and I felt so horrible. I didn't think it would be too spicy for him but I guess it was. His favorites are applesauce, bananas, cheerios, ground up spaghetti with meat sauce, avacado, and noodles. I rarely give him baby food anymore unless we are out and about. It has become pretty hard and (trying of my patience) to try to feed him with a spoon. He continually grabs the spoon out of my hand (or tries) over and over and when he doesn't get the spoon he gets irritated and spits food all over; so I try to let him eat things he can pick up with his fingers. He does pretty well and feels like a big boy so he's happier. I just have to watch him because he tends to try and shove whole handfuls of things in his mouth and I've had to dig out five or six cheerios from his mouth a few times. He continues to spit up after eating a bottle, and not just once but numerous times. I'm not sure what it is. I've tried different formulas it doesn't seem to matter. I just recently found a kind of formula specifically for spit up and he has been drinking that for a few days now. The spit up has continued but definitely decreased. So maybe this formula is helping; but of course it's expensive and there is no generic version of it. Ayla used to spit up too but when we switched her to soy formula it stopped, Caiden continues to spit up. Hopefully when he turns one and I can start giving him milk or soy milk he'll stop.
I wanted to add  some thoughts on Ayla as well, I feel like every post lately has been about Caiden. She continues to grow in every way. She is in size 4 shirts and size 3 pants. Long torso and short legs, this is a Forsythe (Lucas's mom's family) trait. She also contiues to learn more and more. She cracks me up on a daily basis with what she says. She has become enthralled with princesses and princess movies. We watched Beauty and the Beast the other day and after she got over her fear of the Beast when he was "mean" she loved it. Since then she has decided that she wants to have fireworks at her wedding (apparently Belle does in the movie?) and she talks about getting married in the temple which is as "beautiful as any castle". (I helped her decide that one :)) The other day we had the missionaries over for dinner and they were asking her all kinds of questions. She started talking about getting married like Mommy and Daddy did and they asked her what colors she wanted at her wedding; without missing a beat Ayla piped up "White with blue stripes!" We all died laughing. I have no idea where she got that from. She also seems to have some sort of seperation anxiety going on lately. She gets very upset when I have to leave to go anywhere without her and she asks me over and over "You're coming back right?" "You would never leave me?" I'm not sure where this is coming from or why it started. She even asks this when we take her to primary on Sundays. I am just trying to reassure her in every way I can and hoping that she'll get over it soon. She also has developed a fear of robots. From what you ask? I'm not sure, I suspect that one day when I was tutoring Daddy watched Transformers and she saw some of it. He insists that this didn't happen; I'm not too sure. So anyway, now she has nightmares about robots and comes into my room in the middle of the night crying about a robot in her closet. We read a book about a kid who kept getting out of his bed and what his parents did and that seems to be helping. She continues to love singing. She sings all the time and asks to listen to music quite a bit. She listens to music while she's eating her lunch; and we sing together every night before bed. Her current favorites are "Twinkle twinkle little star", "Book of Mormon Stories", "The Other Day I Met a Bear", "Going on a Bear Hunt" and for a quiet song before bed "I Am a Child of God."  
I love both of my children so much! They are my world. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father blessed me with them and gave me the opportunity to be their Mom.
Here's some pictures of my beautiful kids!

 Since it is so hard getting Caiden to sit still while taking his picture, and even harder when there's a paper involved; I thought that it would work well and be cute if he stood at the gate while the sign was taped to it.

 Uh oh, he noticed the paper. This photo session is just about over.

 Playing with his new favorite toy!

 "Ugh, this slider on my toy is really hard to pull!"

My beautiful little princess


Annie said...

Evie has the exact same table and she LOVES hers. He's too cute! I want to snuggle him :) And, Ayla looks a lot older than when I saw her in October. I think her hair is getting longer??

Lucas and Amber said...

I know Ayla does look older. I was just looking at pics from when you were here and I noticed that too. It kind of makes me sad.

Stephanie said...

Good to know about robots - Wesley has one that we finally figured out how to work (it was a hand-me-down and apparently it just needed new batteries in the remote - it's been on his shelf for about a year), so we'll make sure it's put up on Sunday. Your kids are so cute - no, really, really cute.

Kari said...

I can't wait to smooch and smoosh those amazing cheeks. On Caiden that it. Not you :) Ayla totally looks like a little girl. Not like a toddler anymore :(

Sue said...

What adorable pictures!

Caiden looks so hugable but I bet in reality he won't hold still long enough to get a good hug...

Ayla is afraid of robots because of tv with Dad - poor Addison has been traumatized watching tv with Nana... she got kind of freaked out watching my cartoon version of Peter Rabbit (Mr. McGregor). Then we decided to dance to Michael Jackson videos for FHE...she was enjoying it until the Thriller video came on... She turned pale & with big eyes she turned to me & said "scarey!"...

RayS said...

Love the photos....I can't believe how high they are both getting.