Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Thanksgiving 2009 and first snow

For Thanksgiving this past year we went to Delaware with Lucas's family to stay with Lucas's Aunt Gina and Uncle Chris. Grandma Forsythe also lives there so it was nice to be with all of them. Uncle Chris is known to make the best deep fried turkey this side of the Mississippi (or so I've heard) but wouldn't you know it this year he didn't deep fry it. The food was still excellent and it was great to be with all the extended family. Surprisingly this happens to be the only picture I have from those couple days. I guess I was too busy eating. This is a picture of Uncle Chris with Ayla and Spencer. Spencer is Lucas's cousin Lani's little boy. So I believe that would make Spencer and Ayla first cousins once removed, or maybe second cousins. I don't know I get that stuff all confused.

Shortly after Thanksgiving we got our first snow of the year. I foolishly thought that this might be it for the snow, so I wanted to makle sure I got Ayla out in it. As I'm sure you've heard and will see on later blogs we had tons of snow, broke records and made history. But still I did get some cute pics of Ayla her first time out in snow.


Sue said...

How funny, to compare this snow to the pictures of the snow later in the year!

Lucas and Amber said...

I know Mom it's funny because since I've lived here, every year until this one, this was all the snow we got. So when we got this I thought I better get Ayla out to play in it. Breaking records again this summer for heat. I like breaking snow records much better than breaking heat records.