Thursday, January 13, 2011

Third Trimester Here I Come!

I am happy to say that I am now considered into my third trimester. I really can't believe it, it's flown by so fast. I really am lucky both of my pregnancy's have gone well. I really like being pregnant. The feeling of having a baby move and grow inside of you is something that is hard to put into words. I figured that I should post a couple of pics so that you could see what I look like now. These pics were taken on Friday 1/7/11, and I will be considered at 25 weeks 1/11/11. So far so good as far as everything goes. No issues other than a little swelling of the feet which I had last time. It is getting harder to get down on the floor with Ayla, well actually it's not hard getting down there it's hard getting up. Sometimes when I'm sitting depending on the chair or couch it feels like it's hard to breathe, it's only when it's a chair that forces me to kind of lean back. I have to sit completely straight to be comfortable. I am about the same as I was with Ayla at this point the only difference I've noticed is that this baby seems to be growing straight out while Ayla had me getting bigger around. Maybe that's a boy thing. Anyways, everything is going well here. We are excited to bring another child into the world and busy preparing for his arrival. Yes we have decided on a name and no we aren't telling you. I'm having fun making up ridiculous names when people ask me and then waiting to see their reaction. My ridiculous name for the week is Kelvington Barron Walde. Sorry if anyone reading this was considering that and I just offended you. Anyway, be nice when looking at these pics, it was Friday night after working a full week and I was very tired.


Kari said...

So excited to finally get a nephew on our side! I actually like that name. Maybe I'll use it...

Annie said...

I thought third trimester started at 27 weeks? 13+13+13? Well if it is 25 that makes me very very happy! That means I'm well into my third trimester :)

I'm glad you like being pregnant. Although I have to say, it is getting a lot easier on me. Do you know when you're going to schedule your c-section?

Favorite Aunt said...

Miss you.. Be good. Mindi

Lucas and Amber said...

I'm confused about when it actually starts as well. My baby book that i'm reading says it starts at 25 weeks, so I'm going with that. Doesn't really matter. I would like to schedule my c-section as close to the actual due date as possible. Maybe 4/26 or 4/27 maybe even 4/28. I do not want to go too early. Ayla was 8 days early and had some minor issues with her lungs. As I already could possibly pass asthma on to this child I do not want to give him any other issues by taking him out too early. But we'll see.

Lucas and Amber said...

Are you now planning on having a 5th kid to use the name. J/K It would be great if you did though. You and Will should get working on that. ;-)

Ray and Sue said...

How about Frederick Von Walde or little Freddy for short...that's my interim name for the little guy!

tt moreno said...

wow! time is flying.
i like rays suggestion. sounds like a pretty little rich boy.